Raising funds to mitigate the cost of Service Dogs for residents of the Peace Country Region.

The Partner Up Foundation was developed to fund-raise monies to offset the cost of the purchase of a fully trained Service Dog.

We invite volunteers to assist us in fundraising by participating in events, helping to sell tickets, volunteering at casinos, join the board, etc.

While the mandate of the Partner Up Foundation is to raise money to help fund the cost of a fully trained Service Dog for clients - the applicants are also expected to assist in fundraising efforts as well.

Would you like more information on how you can help volunteer?

Email us at partnerupfd@gmail.com

Upcoming Event

November 9th

Join us for a Pub Supper at the Crown&Anchor

Silent Auctions, Games, Great Food & Drink

Help us raise money for our Foundation to mitigate the cost of service dogs for Peace Country residents!

Tickets: $40/person

email partnerupfd@gmail.com to purchase

Criteria to Apply

for Foundation Funding

Criteria for Applications:

  • must already be approved for purchase of a fully trained Service Dog from Partner Up Academy (provide a letter of approval)

  • Resident of Northern Alberta (specifically North of Whitecourt - Peace Country area)

  • must be able to assist in Fundraising Efforts (share your story/family’s story publicly, give time to events, etc).

  • applicants must be 18 years of age/older

  • Foundation may provide up to 75% of the total funding required.

We are the difference.